The industry with the highest collective bargaining coverage
Today, almost every employment relationship in temporary employment is covered by the DGB collective agreements. Thus, the industry enjoys one of the highest collective bargaining agreements of all the economic sectors in Germany.
For our employees, this wide collective bargaining coverage means that working conditions are agreed to by the social partners, i.e., the trade unions and employer organizations. Together with the legal regulations of labor law, which apply equally to temporary work and to all employees, the collective agreements offer employees a high degree of security by setting minimum standards that cannot be undercut. Deviations upward, i.e., better working conditions than those set by the social partners, are often the norm.
Benefits of the collective agreement for our employees include:
- Fair temporary employment through the IGZ/DGB collective agreements
- Social insurance contributions
- Project-related allowances
- Potential for overtime pay
- Industry surcharges in many industries
- Supplements for night shifts, double shifts, Sundays, and holiday work
- Pay group classifications determined by activity
- Unique pay rules
- Special payments such as holiday and Christmas bonuses
- Employer-funded pensions
The collective agreement guarantees every employee a high degree of protection and prohibits wage dumping!